How to unpublish and/or delete datasets

Admins have the ability to remove published datasets on the site via unpublishing or deleting the dataset. Unpublishing and deleting a dataset on a site serve different purposes, listed below.

Unpublishing a dataset

Unpublish function:

  • When a dataset is unpublished, it is taken offline and is not visible to site visitors.

  • Unpublished datasets are still accessible to site admins on the admin site and can be republished at a later time.

  • This action is reversible and is often used when the content needs to be temporarily removed from public view, but may be relevant again in the future.

  1. Upon logging into the admin panel, click the ⋮ button on your selected dataset. The drop down menu will be revealed. Proceed to click on the update icon.

  1. Click on the downward arrow at the top right hand corner of the screen. This will reveal the unpublish button. Click on unpublish to unpublish your dataset from the site, and remove visibility of the dataset to site visitors.

Deleting a dataset

Delete function:

  • When a dataset is unpublished and deleted, it is permanently removed from the site.

  • Deleted datasets are typically not recoverable, and the content is completely erased from the site's database.

  • This action is irreversible and is often used when the content is no longer relevant or appropriate for the site.

  1. Upon logging into the admin panel, click the ⋮ button on your selected dataset. This will reveal the pop out as below. Click on the Unpublish & delete icon

  1. If your dataset is currently unpublished, select the Delete icon instead.

  1. Select Confirm delete to permanently remove the dataset from

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Last updated